Apple Watch Sport - Tracks How Long You Sit a Day!

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With the Apple Watch Sport launching only days away March 9th, we take a look at the Apple Watch Sport device and how it aims to change the way we track our fitness activities.

What is Apple Watch Sport:

Apple Watch Sport is a wearable piece of technology designed for tracking your daily activity and fitness. It also allows you to download cool apps for checking emails, real-time directions, online messaging, boarding flights and more.

Apple Watch Sport is one of three watch devices offered by Apple, below it’s located in the middle.

apple watch models

What is the difference between Apple Watch Sport (middle), Apple Watch (left) and Apple Watch Edition (right) ?

In short, the casing and the strap. Apple Watch Sport has an anodised aluminium case which is considerably lighter and more suited for fitness. Running with a stainless steel watch (left) is never a good idea.

What Fitness Tracking Features does the Apple Watch Sport have?

The watch has an onboard heart-rate monitor and accelerometer to track a users daily activity. Apple have two main apps for tracking activity, one for everyday tracking such as counting steps, the other for more intense fitness tracking like running or jogging.

apple watch sports

1) The Activity App  If you ever wanted to know how many steps you take, how long you stand and even sit! You can now with the activity app. It even allows you to set walking and movement goals. It’s an ideal solution to highlight the importance of getting active.

2) The Workout app – For the fitness enthusiasts , the workout app allows them to set goals, monitor informative real-times stats, track GPS location, and synch to other third party fitness programs.

Do I need an iPhone to use Apple Watch?

Yes. The Apple Watch pairs with iPhones via Bluetooth Low Energy and built-in Wi-Fi, it will also use GPS for sports tracking via your phone. Think of the Apple Watch as an extension to your iPhone.

Article Credits: Apple Inc. – Device Imaginary  – Visit for more details about Apple Watch Sport

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